Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
We answer a whole lot of frequently asked questions on our FAQs page, including questions about collecting rainwater, choosing a rainwater tank, delivery and installation of rainwater tanks and water tank maintenance questions.

- Catalogue
- Colour options
- Installation instructions- rainwater tanks
- Installation instructions- underground tanks
- Specification sheets- round water tanks- 500 litre, 1000 litre, 1000 litre squat, 1350 litre, 1675 litre, 2500 litre, 2500 litre squat, 3500 litre, 5000 litre, 7000 litre, 22700 litre.

Image gallery
For great application images of our rainwater tanks, check out our rainwater tanks image gallery.
You can see a range of photos showing our rainwater tanks on homes, schools, farms, civil roadwork sites and on the back of our delivery trucks.

Warranty registration
Register your product warranty now, and save any hassles later. With your purchase details on file, we’ll have no trouble at all verifying your product in the unlikely event of any product issue.